An L.A.-based therapist came to us for a logo and we helped develop a business.

Brand Research
Business Strategy
Brand Strategy
Brand Identity
Logo Design
Product Development
Social Media Strategy
Social Media Template Design
Social Media Training
Website Design and Development

What started with a client coming to us for a logo and ended with us creating an entire business plan, brand strategy, website and social media launch campaign.

Dr. Emily McGrath had a dream of taking her experience as an extremely successful therapist in Los Angeles, to the online world of coaching. Like many aspiring startups, she wasn't sure where to begin. Emily was looking for a logo design that would inspire her to keep moving forward. What she found was us, ready to help propel her forward in every aspect of her budding business.

The three of us quickly realized we had more questions than answers. So, we embarked on a mission to build this business from the ground up. Our in-depth brand questionnaire helped us quickly refine the 'why, what and how' behind the brand. She had the desire — and all the credentials — to offer real support to real people, but no method to deliver outside of her California-based practice.

Emily was the brand, and the world needed to know about it. How did make this happen? By creating an incredibly cohesive brand identity that leaned heavily on social with a strong push to the website using a variety of lead-magnets.




Brand Development and Launch

Dr. Emily, Therapist and Life Coach




Simply Yoga